Friday, November 03, 2006


what is it about the holidays that totally overwhelms and depresses me?
i need to work on modifying my expectations to be more in tuned with reality.
i think if i had nt kids, it'd be so much easier to just blow off the holidaze bs, since i really don't buy into anyway. but now it just seems like one more way that we don't fit in.....


Judy McCrary Koeppen MS SLP Sage Therapy said...

I am concerned I may have indirectly contributed to your feelings. If so, so sorry, my dear.

Captain Blog said...

I have similar feelings about socializing with new people outside the our tribe, or going to the park filled with nt kids, and see my kids do their thing and the looks on the face of the other children...
gosh life is difficult.
I also think that it is more difficult for us than for them. I think we should go to some sort of "getting ready for the holiday" therapy group, where we can practice what to say/do/respond during situation that make us cringe.
I am with ya, grrrlfriend.