Thursday, July 06, 2006

Everything you always wanted to know about IEPs but...

March 2006
IEP Form 1- Information/Eligibility
Items above the solid line may be completed prior to the meeting, based on information contained in the student information system.
1. Introduce participants and set a warm and positive tone for the meeting.
2. State purpose of the meeting and review agenda.
3. Review dates for accuracy. Check accuracy of data and update any changes in identifying information, such as English Language development, migrant status, address, phone number, etc.
Review Results of Evaluation to Determine Eligibility for Special Education Services, if appropriate. If not, record information from the most recent determination regarding the student’s disability and go to Step 8.
4. Consider evaluation results in all areas of suspected disability:
􀂉 Psychologist
􀂉 Special Education teacher(s)
􀂉 DIS/Related Services Staff
􀂉 General education teacher(s)
􀂉 Other school staff
􀂉 Other agencies
􀂉 Parents
􀂉 Independent evaluations, if appropriate
5. Verify that there are no other areas of suspected disability that should be evaluated at this time.
6. Eligibility: Determine eligibility for special education services.
􀂉 Identify primary disability based on state and district/SELPA eligibility criteria:
o If team determines student has a learning disability, complete Specific Learning Disability Team Determination of Eligibility form.
o Evaluation team members sign form as appropriate
o Identify secondary disability if any
􀂉 If student is not eligible for special education:
o Document reason for decision and other options to address student’s educational needs on IEP Team Amendment Page (Form 8).
o IEP team members sign as appropriate.
If parent(s) do not agree that the child is not eligible for special education services, note their concerns, discuss options for resolving their concerns, and review Special Education Rights of Parents and Children – Notice of Procedural Safeguards.
7. How Disability Effects Educational Performance: Describe how the student’s disability affects his or her educational performance.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Are all sections of the form addressed? Is the evaluation complete? Does it appropriately identify whether the child has a disability and provide information regarding the content of the child’s IEP?
IEP Form 1A - Transition Services
IEP Form 1B – Individual Transition Plan
1A must be completed for students ages 16 or younger. If the student is younger than age 16 and consideration of transition is not appropriate, skip IEP Forms 1A & IB and go to IEP Form 2 – Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.
Form 1A
8. How Student Participated in the Process: Describe how the student participated in the process. If for some reason the student was not able to attend describe how the student’s interests were determined.
9. Student’s Post School Preferences/Interests/Goals: Begin the transition planning by identifying the student’s dreams, preferences, interests and goals.
10. California High School Exit Exam: Discuss the student’s participation in the California High School Exit Exam, including his or her need for accommodations or modifications. Discuss the need for submitting a waiver if a modification is used.
11. Document that no later than grade 9, the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student have been informed of the requirement for the student to pass the CAHSEE in order to earn a diploma.
􀂉 Indicate the date if the student has already passed the CAHSEE in English Language Art and in Math.
􀂉 Note if student will be taking the CAHSEE with accommodations.
􀂉 Note if student will be taking the CAHSEE with modifications. Remember a waiver is required if the students will be getting modifications.
12. Transfer of Rights: On or before the student’s 17th birthday, explain that he or she will assume all special education rights and protections upon turning 18 (unless a conservator has been appointed by the court.) Review the Special Education Rights of Parents and Children - Notice of Procedural Safeguards with the student.
13. Credits: Update the credits the student has earned, which courses are required for graduation, and additional courses related to goals, graduation, and/or vocational interests.

Form 1B
14. Age Appropriate Transition Assessments: Document results of age‐appropriate transition assessments.
15. Other Vocational Evaluations: Note other vocational evaluations that should be conducted.
19. Measurable Postsecondary Goals: Document appropriate measurable postsecondary goals to be completed, including person/agency responsible and timeline. Document when the activity is completed. Include:
􀂉 Training: Document specific measurable goals that student would need training on.
􀂉 Education: This would include measurable academic goals.
􀂉 Employment: Specify activities in which the student may be involved, such as career exploration, competitive or supportive employment, etc.
􀂉 Independent Living (when appropriate): Specific measurable goals in the area of independent living skills.
􀂉 Other: Include other measurable goals that the student need for postsecondary transition.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Is the transition plan developed in accordance with the student’s post-school preferences, interests, and goals?
Are all areas of transition needs clearly specified, with corresponding measurable goals and responsible
persons/agencies identified as appropriate?
Are the transition activities and services specifically designed to prepare the
student for employment and independent living?
IEP Form 2 - Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
Except for the Concerns of the Parent, a draft of this portion of the IEP may be prepared prior to the meeting. Each section should be discussed at the meeting and changes made as appropriate based on input by members of the IEP team.
20. Strengths, Preferences, and Interests: Identify student’s strengths/preferences/interests.
21. Parent Concerns: Ask parent(s) to express their concerns relevant to their child’s educational progress.
22. Test Scores: Scores reflecting the student’s performance on state, district wide and other assessments may be gathered prior to the meeting. Review results of the assessments including, as appropriate:
􀂉 California Standards Test
􀂉 CAT-6
􀂉 Other Assessment Data, including results of district wide and/or individually administered assessments. If the student in an English Learner, document performance on the CELDT.
23. Pre-academic/Academic/Functional Skills: Summarize Pre-academic/Academic/Functional skills, including the student’s performance in the classroom, levels of mastery of the California content standards, progress in the curriculum, etc. Pre-academic and Functional skills should address the student’s development of readiness concepts for continued academic progress in the general education curriculum, as appropriate.
24. Communication: For students with identified areas of need in communication, describe the student’s articulation, voice, fluency, and language needs. If none, indicate "no concerns noted at this time."
25. Gross/Fine Motor Development: For a student who has been identified with motor development concerns, describe his or her specific skills and or needs. If none, indicate "no concerns noted at this time."
26. Social/Emotional Development: Describe the student’s social/emotional strengths and needs.
27. Health: Describe pertinent medical information that relates to the student’s educational progress. If none, indicate "no concerns noted at this time."
28. Vocational: Include strengths, interests, and needs related to pre-vocational/vocational skills. Address traits such as work habits, initiative, completion of classroom or school site jobs, etc.
29. Self-Help: For those students with needs in self-help, specify skills such as dressing, toileting, feeding, etc. Indicate "age appropriate" if no concerns are noted.
30. Areas of Need: Based on the information regarding the student’s Present Levels of Performance, identify all areas of need to be addressed in goals and objectives/benchmarks.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Are all sections of the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance addressed?
including documentation of "no concerns noted" or "age appropriate"?
Does this clearly reflect the student’s current performance in the educational setting?
Does the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance include all needs identified in the assessments?
Are all areas of need identified that should be addressed in goals, and objectives/benchmarks if required?
IEP Form 3 - Special Factors and Participation in State/District Wide Assessments
31. Assistive Technology: Does student require assistive technology devices and services or low incidence services, equipment and materials to meet educational goals and objectives? Indicate yes or no. If yes, specify the type of devices, services, equipment, and/or materials needed.
32. Blindness or Visual Impairment: Is student blind or visually impaired? Check yes or no. If the student is visually impaired, indicate whether instruction in Braille will be provided, and if not, why?
33. Deaf or Hard of Hearing: If student is deaf or hard of hearing, specify the strategies and specialized instruction and the mode of communication. If the student is not deaf or hard of hearing, indicate "N/A".
34. English Learner: Is the child an English Learner? Check yes or no. If yes, specify how student’s level of English proficiency, related to the IEP, will be addressed.
35. Behavior: Does student’s behavior impede learning? Specify yes or no. If yes, describe how the behavior impedes learning. Specify positive behavior interventions, strategies, and supports to address the behaviors. Check if there is a Behavior Support Plan or Behavior Intervention Plan and attach a copy.
36. Participation in State/District Wide Assessments (STAR): Indicate how the student will or will not participate in each of the State/District Assessments:
􀂉 CAT-6/California Standards Test:
If the student will participate in this test, check all boxes as appropriate.
Specify accommodations if required by the student as part of his or her regular instructional process.
Specify modifications if required by the student as part of his or her regular instructional process. Remember modifications fundamentally alter the test therefore the score will not be counted toward AYP.
If the student will not participate in all or part of the CAT-6, indicate why and describe how the child will be assessed.
􀂉 California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA). If the student has a significant cognitive impairment, indicate the CAPA Level that is most appropriate to measure student progress.
􀂉 Grade Exempt. Check the box to indicate that the student is below grade 2 or above grade 11 and therefore is exempt from the STAR.
􀂉 Specify any accommodations or modifications the student may need to participate in other state or district wide assessments, including writing proficiencies, physical fitness tests, etc.
NOTE: Do not put parent exemption on the IEP form as a reason that the student will not participate. The IEP Team must address how the student would participate even if there is a parent exemption.
37. Promotion/Graduation Standards
Check if the student will be meeting the district promotion standards or if the student will be promoted to the next grade based on making substantial progress toward meeting goals and objectives.
38. Frequency and Type of Progress Reports: Check the frequency that parents will be informed of their child’s progress towards the goals and indicate the type of report.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Has the IEP Team addressed all the special considerations the student may require?
Are accommodations/modifications on state and district wide?
assessments in accordance with state guidelines?
Do all team members, including parents, understand the progress reporting requirements?
IEP Form 4A - Annual Goals and Objectives
IEP Form 4B – Annual Goals and Benchmarks
IEP Form 4C – Annual Goals
Use IEP Form 4A or 4B for students who take the CAPA. These students require annual goals AND objectives or benchmarks. Use IEP Form 4C for all other students. Objectives or benchmarks are no longer required for students who are accessing the general curriculum. Draft goals (and objectives or benchmarks, if required) may be developed prior to the meeting and reviewed with the team for changes. Annual goals, objectives, and/or benchmarks must be measurable, and at least one annual goal must be written for each area of identified need.
39. Measurable Annual Goals: Develop measurable annual goals including short-term objectives or benchmarks individual that are unique to the needs of the student based on assessment(s). These goals and objectives/benchmarks must relate to: meeting the student’s needs that result from the disability; meeting the student’s needs to enable involvement in and progress in the general curriculum; and, meeting other educational needs that result from the disability. In addition the goals and objectives must be linguistically appropriate.
• Note subject area of need (reading, math, social emotional/behavioral, etc.)
• Write measurable goal annual goal and document baseline for the goal.
• Include the personnel responsible for the goal.
• Most goals should be aligned to general curriculum; therefore document state standard #.
• Develop at least two short term objectives or benchmarks for each goal.
For progress reports, include the date and the summary of the progress.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Are there goals and objectives for each area of need and vice versa?
Are the goals and objectives/benchmarks measurable?
Do the goals and objectives enable the student to be involved/progress in the curriculum?
Are all other educational needs resulting from the disability addressed?
If the student is an English language learner, are the goals linguistically appropriate?
Is the person(s) identified who will primarily be responsible for implementing the goal and monitoring progress?
Are the progress reports being sent to parents as scheduled?
IEP Form 5A - Services
Special education and related services are determined at the IEP meeting only after goals and if appropriate objectives/benchmarks have been finalized. Placement decisions must be made in conformity with the least restrictive environment (LRE) provisions. These provisions direct that to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities be educated with typically developing peers, and that special classes, separate schooling or other removal of students from the general educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in general education classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. The placement must be made in the school that the student would attend if the student did not have a disability unless unique circumstances prevent this placement. Special education and related services and supplementary aids and services, should be based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable.
40. Service Delivery Options Considered: Discuss and document service delivery options considered. The team must always first consider placement in the general education classroom with supports prior to recommending a more restrictive setting.

In determining the LRE consideration must be given to any harmful effect on the child or quality of services that the child needs. Follow the continuum of services below as a guide to determining LRE:
• General Education Class
• General Education Class - Supplemental services or aids
• General Education Class - Some direct instruction. Less than 21% of time out of the classroom for special education services.
• General Education Class - 21% to 60% of instructional day in pull out.
• Some/or no instruction in General Education Class - Minimum of 60% of the instructional day in a special setting (intensive services).
• Some/or no Instruction in General Education Class - School based day treatment.
• No instruction in General Education Class - Special day school facility.
• Residential School.
• Hospital Program.
• Home Instruction.
41. Supplementary Aids and Services: Note supplementary aids and services and/or supports for school personnel (consultation to teachers, preferential seating, enlarged text, etc.). Team must also document modifications and or accommodations that will be needed in order for the student to progress toward annual goals while participating in the general curriculum. Accommodations do not fundamentally alter or lower expectations or standards in instructional level, content, or performance criteria (extended time on an un-timed task, enlarged text, etc.). Modifications fundamentally alter or lower exceptions or standards in instructional level, content, or performance criteria (alternate math assignment, etc.). Document who will be responsible for the supplementary aids and services, the start and end date, duration, frequency, and location.
42. Special Education and Related Services: The team needs to determine the special education and related services that would provide educational benefit and facilitate progress on the goals and objectives for the student (e.g. SDC, RSP, speech/language, etc). Identify the type of service, start and end date, duration, frequency, and location for all services. Location must be specific (gen ed classroom, special ed classroom, speech room).
43. Extended School Year: Discuss if student needs ESY to receive FAPE and fill out the type of services the student will receive, start and end date, duration, frequency, and location.
ESY shall be provided to a student with a disability who the IEP deems requires special education and related services in excess of the regular academic year. Such students shall have disabilities which are likely to continue indefinitely or for a prolonged period of time, and interruption of the student’s educational programming may cause regression, when coupled with limited recoupment capacity, rendering it impossible or unlikely that the student will attain the level of self-sufficiency and independence that would otherwise be expected in view of his or her disability. (5 CCR 3043)
IEP Form 5B - Placement
44. Physical Education: Check the type of physical education, if applicable.
45. Location of Services: Document the district where the student is receiving services and the school of attendance. These are required CASEMIS data fields. Note the school type (public day school, special education center, nonpublic day school, juvenile court school, etc.) and if in preschool, note the preschool setting (early childhood setting, early childhood special education setting, separate school, etc).
46. Is Student Receiving Services in School of Residence: Check yes or no to the question "all special education services provided at student’s school of residence." If the team determines "no," rationale must be documented.
47. Percentage of Time Outside of Regular Education Environment and In Regular Education Environment: Document the percentage of time the student not participate in the regular environment and document percentage of time student will participate in regular education environment. Consider the full day including lunch, recess, passing periods, etc.
48. Subject Areas Student Will Not Participate in Regular Education: If student is not participating in the general education 100% of the day, note the subject areas that he/she will not participate and the rationale (Least Restrictive Environment requirement).
49. Other Agency Services: Note other agency services. It is especially important to document services under county mental health.
50. Promotion Criteria: Check the option that applies.
51. Progress Reporting: Check the frequency of the progress reports and the how progress will be reported.
52. Transportation: Note if the student needs transportation (curb to curb, wheel chair lift, etc.) as a related service.
53. Graduation Plan: This needs to be done for students in grade 8 and higher. NOTE: The IEP Team must use caution when determining if the student will be working towards a diploma or a certificate of completion. Students must have the opportunity to work toward a diploma if they have the ability to do so.
54. Transition: If the student is going through a transition (preschool to kindergarten, special ed to general ed, etc.), document the activities to support the transition.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Are the appropriate services identified to support progress toward all goals?
Do the services support progress in the general curriculum?
Are the services appropriate to support participation in extracurricular and other nonacademic activities?
IEP Form 6 - Signature and Parent Consent
52. Participants Attendance: Have all meeting participants sign and date that they were in attendance. Make sure to include title.
53. Parent Consent: Check the parent consent box if they agree in whole or in part to the IEP. If they agree only in part, document the areas they are not in agreement with. Steps to resolve the disagreement should be documented on Form 7.
54. Not Eligible: If team determines child is not eligible, check the appropriate box.
55. No Longer Eligible: If team determines child is no longer eligible for special education, check the appropriate.
56. Parent Signature: Have parent(s) sign and date.
57. Students Enrolled in Private Schools by Their Parents: If student is enrolled in private school by his/her parent, check the box and develop a Services Plan, if appropriate.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Did all IEP Meeting participants sign?
Do the parent(s) consent to all components of the IEP?
If not, are areas of agreement and/or disagreement clearly specified?
Are the next steps identified for reaching resolution if appropriate?
IEP Form 7 - IEP Team Meeting Comments Page
• Not a required component.
• Used by most districts to document key points of agreement and/or areas of disagreement.
• Should be a summary of what happened.
• Generally keep it "short and "sweet.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Is this information a summary of the meeting?
Does everyone agree that the information accurately reflects what was
discussed and the agreements that were made?
IEP Form 8 – IEP Team Amendment Page
IDEA Section 614 3 (D) In making changes to a child’s IEP after the annual IEP meeting for a school year, the parent of the child with a disability and the LEA may agree not to convene an IEP meeting fro the purposes of making such changes, and instead develop a written document to amend or modify the child’s current IEP.
IDEA Section 614 3 (F) Changes to the IEP may be made either by the entire IEP Team by amending the IEP rather than by redrafting the entire IEP. Upon request, a parent shall be provided with a revised copy of the IEP with the amendments incorporated.
• Serves as the option for making minor amendments to the IEP if the parent(s) and district agree that a meeting is not needed (adding additional DIS LSH minutes after a phone conversation with the parents and agreement with school staff, etc.)
• Attach this form to current IEP after getting signature from parent(s).
• Districts need to designate who can serve as the LEA representative. LEA representative is authorized to approve the amendments.
• Parents may request a copy of the IEP with the amendments incorporated.
􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Is the amendment clear?
Do the parents and staff agree on the amendment?
Are all affected staff (special ed teacher(s), DIS provider(s), gen ed teacher(s), etc.),
including the LEA representative, informed of the amendment/change?
IEP Form 10 – IEP Team Member Excusal
"IDEA Section 614 (d) (1) (c) IEP TEAM ATTEDANCE‐
‘(I) ATTENDANCE NOT NECESSARY – A member of the IEP team shall not be required to attend an IEP meeting, in whole or in part, if the parent of a child with a disability and the local educational agency agree that the attendance of such a member is not ecessary because the member’s area of the curriculum or related services is not being modified or discussed in the meeting, ‘(ii) EXCUSAL‐ A member of the IEP Team may be excused from attending an IEP meeting, in whole or in part, when the meeting involves a modification to or discussion of the member’s area of curriculum or related services, if—‘(I) the parent and the local educational agency consent to the excusal; and ‘(II) the member submits, in writing to the parent and the IEP team, input into the development of the IEP prior to the meeting. ‘(iii) WRITTEN AGREEMENT AND CONSENT REQUIRED‐ A parent’s agreement under clause (i) and consent under clause (ii) shall be in writing."

1. Enter the date of the meeting the team member/s will be excused from attending.
2. Enter the name of the team members who will be excused.
3. Enter the area or curriculum or related service that the team member is responsible for addressing.
4. Check the appropriate column that explains why the IEP team member is being excused form the IEP meeting in whole or part.
5. Get signature of parent or student as appropriate and LEA representative.

􀀦 Educational Benefit Reminder:
Did the parents agree prior to the IEP Team meeting that the team member/s could be excused?.
Did the excused team member/s provide written input prior to the IEP Meeting to the parents and the LEA?
Was the excused Team member’s written input complete and sufficient for the IEP team to develop an IEP for educational benefit?
Did the excused team member/s receive a copy of the IEP?

1 comment:

Captain Blog said...

this is great, where do you get all this info?
the force is with you! ;-9