Long Term Goals to be met through 1:1 behaviorial support home program
I. Communication
A. Able to fully and spontaneously express himself verbally to communicate his wants, needs, observations, feelings and social interactions.
B. Able to fully understand and comprehend verbal language spoken by others in all settings and contexts.
II. Self-Help
Completely independent with the following:
A. Personal hygiene
i. Toileting
ii. Bathing
iii. Handwashing
iv. Teethbrushing
v. Grooming (hair, finger/toenails)
B. clothing
i. dressing, including orientation and fasteners
ii. folding and putting away clothes
iii. selecting appropriate clothes for weather
iv. identifying when clothes are clean/dirty
v. laundry skills
vi. able to tie shoes
C. Meals
i. Basic food preparation
ii. Basic nutrition awareness
iii. Completely independent in serving self, eating, cleaning up
III. Personal Safety
A. Consistently avoids dangerous situations (eg, cars/traffic, fire/heat, fans, bullies, drowning, unknown animals, height/falling, etc.)
B. Engages in no self-injurious behaviors
C. Does not act aggressively towards others
III. Learning Readiness Skills
A. Attending: Independently able to attend to Instructor in full classroom and small group instruction for 6 consecutive hours.
B. Follows Directions: independently able to follow series of 3-5 sequenced directions given verbally without contextual clues.
IV. Appropriate Behaviors
A. Reduction of self-stimulatory behaviors to 5% of his day, and only in appropriate settings (eg, alone in bedroom)
B. Complete elimination of self-injurious behaviors
C. Total elimination of inappropriate aggressive behaviors towards others.
D. Able to express frustrations verbally and seek physical/mental relief through age-appropriate outlets.
E. Able to self-regulate by choosing appropriate activities (eg deep breathing, heavy work, physical exertion, exercise, etc.)
V. Daily Living Skills
A. Demonstrates appropriate understanding of time, calendar, money, spending/saving, daily schedule.
B. Able to successfully navigate self in community (school, park, store, etc.)
C. Able to independently access public transportation.
D. Understands sexual education training and knows how to appropriately interact with others in this regard.
E. Demonstrates competent understanding of the laws governing society.
VI. Leisure Skills and Extra-Curricular Activities
A. Able to independently participate in group sports and games.
B. Demonstrates ability to identify, select and participate in meaningful extra-curricular activities.
C. Able to appropriately interact with peers in school and social settings.
VII. Academics
A. Meaningful participation in age-appropriate grade level State standards in all learning areas.
B. Able to generalize concepts and skills learned in school, and able to functionally use these skills in the community.
VIII. Vocational Skills
Demonstrates vocational skills sufficient to secure employment in chosen field.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
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